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Open the doors to your dreams,
& Make connections to
the Other Side?
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Open the Door
to Healing

I offer support to the
grievers and the dreamers.
Meet Kristy
Kristy has empowered and inspired
TENS OF THOUSANDS, helping them to unlock their inner light and spiritually guiding them through their healing.
Hello, Friends.
I'm Kristy Robinett and I'm a spiritual healer and soul connectress, and yes, I see and talk to Dead People, but I really dislike calling them dead. Our loved ones on the Other Side are often living better than most of us in this earthly plane.
For over two decades I've been using my gift to bring healing, hope, and clarity to thousands of people around the world, sharing insight, wisdom, and ethereal understanding.
I've seen spirits since I was 3 years old, but it took some long and broken paths in life before I realized this was my purpose. I believe everyone has the ability to connect with the other side, but life and grief has a way of hitting the mute button. I act as the soul coach to help bridge the connections. No crystal ball or magic wand needed.

Books Heal
I wrote these books with you in mind.
To heal. To learn. To grieve. To grow.
What does 2024 hold for you?
Learn how to MANIFEST

Upcoming Events
​Tuesday, January 28th - Allen Park Library
​Thursday, January 30th at 7 PM - Bridging Worlds with Psychic Medium Kristy Robinett and Animal Communicator Leslie Cirinesi at Mama Mia Livonia - TICKETS HERE
Sunday, March 9th - Roger's Roost - TICKETS HERE
​​Sunday, March 30th - Mama Mia Event - TICKETS HERE
Monday, April 28th - Monroe Library (more info to come)